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Longyan Kailong Mining Equipment Co., Ltd.


Detonating Cord Duplex Leadwire Blasting Wire practical application


In the field of explosives and blasting operations, the detonating cord duplex leadwire blasting wire plays a crucial role in ensuring safety, precision, and efficiency. This specialized wire is designed to transmit the shock wave generated by an initiator or detonator, allowing for the controlled detonation of explosives.

Structure and Composition

The detonating cord duplex leadwire blasting wire consists of a strong and flexible outer sheath, often made of a durable plastic or rubber material. Inside this sheath, there are two parallel wires, referred to as the "duplex" leadwires. These wires are made of a high-tensile strength material, such as steel or a specialized alloy, and are coated with an explosive material.



The primary function of the detonating cord duplex leadwire blasting wire is to provide a reliable and consistent means of detonating explosives. When an initiator or detonator is activated, it generates a shock wave that travels along the duplex leadwires. This shock wave causes the explosive material coating on the wires to detonate, resulting in a chain reaction that propagates along the entire length of the blasting wire.


There are several advantages to using detonating cord duplex leadwire blasting wire. Firstly, it offers a high degree of safety, as the shock wave is contained within the leadwires, reducing the risk of accidental detonation. Secondly, the duplex design provides redundancy, ensuring that if one wire is damaged, the other can still transmit the shock wave. Finally, the blasting wire is highly flexible and can be easily routed and positioned in complex blasting setups.


Detonating cord duplex leadwire blasting wire is widely used in various blasting applications, including mining, quarrying, demolition, and construction. In mining, it is used to safely and efficiently break up large rocks and ore bodies. In quarrying, it is employed to create precise cuts and shapes in stone and rock. In demolition, the blasting wire is used to safely bring down structures, such as buildings or bridges. And in construction, it is utilized for tasks such as excavating foundations or preparing sites for new buildings.


In summary, detonating cord duplex leadwire blasting wire is an essential tool in the explosives and blasting industry. Its unique design and functionality allow for safe, precise, and efficient detonation of explosives, making it invaluable in a wide range of applications.

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